Do you love the work that LargsNaz does for our church family and community? Support us by giving an offering to support our ministries and pastoral team. We believe in the principle of tithing, giving sacrificially a portion of what God has given back to Him for the work of his kingdom and his church; give according to your means and what God has laid on your heart.

You can support the church financially in a number of different ways.

  • By standing order direct to the church, our bank details are as follows:
Largs Church of the Nazarene
Acc number: 00127871
Sort code: 80-17-11
  • By placing a cash or cheque offering in our donation box at the church.
  • You can give online via the simple form below, it takes just a couple of minutes.

Donate securely and safely using the form.  You will need to create a account which will then give you the ability to donate directly to the church, see your giving history and manage your account.